Appendix 7-F. I. General


1. Length

2. Nominal outside diameter, "D". inches

3. Nominal wall thickness, "t", inches

4. Type and/or grade of pipe

5. Manufacturer of steel

6. Manufacturer of pipe

7. Type of longitudinal joint

8. Specified minimum yield strength, psi

9. Nominal ultimate strength, psi

10. Is pipe new or used?

11. If used pipe is employed, describe the inspection and reconditioning

12. Mill test pressure, psi

13. Certified maximum certified operating, pressure, psi

14. Calculated pipe stress (hoop stress)


15. Ratio of pipe stress to yield strength, percent

16. Check of pipe specifications:

(a) Are the physical and chemical specifications of pipe to be verified by outside laboratories?

(b) By whom?


(a) By class locations, what percentage of the welds are to be radiographed?

(b) By whom?